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Shipping & Tax

Q: How many kinds of shipping methods do you offer?
Q: Do you offer DHL/TNT and other shipping methods?
Q: Which countries do you deliver to?
Q: How will shipping fee be calculated?
Q: What is your shipping charge rate?
Q: How do you calculate the shipping fee of express shipping( EMS,DHL,DPD,UPS, ect)?
Q: Why is your shipping rate so low, comparing to other online sellers?
Q: Can my parcel be tracked online after shipping?
Q: How soon can I receive my parcels?
Q: If I do not receive my parcel within your stated timeframe on your website, what should I do?
Q: If my parcels are damaged when I receive it, what should I do?
Q: Do I need to pay the customs clearance fee?
Q: How about insurance? Do I need to pay insurance separately?
Q: For most shipping methods, heavier parcel means higher shipping cost. Does heavier parcel always mean higher shipping cost?
Q: What is Product's Volume Weight?
Q: Why parcels shipped via DHL (by Agent) or Europe DHL cannot be tracked within the first 2-5 days?